The purpose of this online eLearning module is to outline advanced bipolar energy, the LigaSure™ Small Jaw Instrument, in use during thyroidectomy for the management of thyroid disease.
The 25-minute online module will review basic principles of advanced bipolar energy; surgical techniques and tips for safe and efficacious use; and evidence-based research on the use of the LigaSure™ Small Jaw Instrument in a patient undergoing thyroidectomy with regards to operating time, blood loss and patient discharge.
The description of the minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy covers all aspects of the surgical procedure used for the management of thyroid nodules.
Operating room set up, position of patient and equipment, instruments used are thoroughly described. The technical key steps of the surgical procedure are presented in a step by step way: dissection, ligatures, extraction/resection.
Consequently, this operating technique is well standardized for the management of this condition.
Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy
Parathyroid surgery has profoundly evolved through the progress of imaging techniques. Twenty years ago, surgical cervical exploration was the only method that allowed to identify parathyroid adenomas in more than 95% of cases. Since then, ultrasonography is performed using high definition. 99mTc-sestamibi (MIBI) scintigraphy helped to detect adenomas in a morphofunctional fashion. CT-scan has also evolved. The IRCAD training center's computer science department has developed a specific imaging software that allows to virtually reconstruct the different cervical organs in three dimensions from a mere injected CT-scan. 3D reconstruction helps to precisely localize the parathyroid adenoma in relation to adjacent structures, and particularly to vascular structures. This video perfectly illustrates the benefit of such 3D reconstruction which allows to intraoperatively correct a first impression. A first small-sized adenoma is rapidly found but it does not correspond to the reconstructed image, and especially so because of its relationships with the inferior thyroid artery. The dissection of the superior region of the artery, guided by 3D reconstruction allows to identify the adenoma suspected by the imaging investigation. The benefit of the imaging has allowed to carry on cervical exploration using a video-assisted approach and the patient's healing.
Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy
The entire WeBSurg team would like to express their warm thanks to all the surgeons who took an active part in this project for their innovative work, and notably Dr. Michel Vix, Dr. Silvana Perretta, and Professor Didier Mutter. Special thanks go to Professor Paolo Miccoli for his major contribution to this e-learning module.
We also want to thank Covidien, manufacturer and supplier of the LigaSure™ Small Jaw Instrument system, for making it possible to develop this e-learning instructional package.
We wish to congratulate Donna S. Watson (Course Curriculum Development Officer at Covidien) and Fiona Morrison (Senior Director, Global PACE Surgical Solutions at Covidien) who kindly answered all our queries about the LigaSure™ Small Jaw Instrument and who helped us putting together this e-learning module. Finally, we are grateful to Professor Jacques Marescaux for his continued support and sheer talent.